10 Technologies of the Future 2020

Now let’s speak about the technologies of the future 2020. Insider Monkey has recently published an interesting article about this topic. Everything is changing very fast around us, and what we think it will be the far future, we can see in the streets in couple if years’ time. Innovation comes from everywhere in the world, it’s not just several countries specialization.

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We are speaking about things that are already here, but have yet to reach their fullest potential, things that can still grow and evolve into the kind of technologies that power up the entire world.

Now without a further ado let’s see what Insider Monkey has investigated for us. We have picked three technologies from their list.

The first technology is Improved security architecture. If you’ve read the tech news pages in the past few months, we’re sure you must have noticed all the security breaches Internet of Things (IoT) devices encounter. Most of these problems stem from the faulty security of these devices, as manufacturers seem to completely ignore the fact that they connect to the Internet, so they are instantly vulnerable to attacks. The situation has become extremely bad in recent years, with IoT devices becoming infected by various trojans with the purpose of making them a part of botnets to boost the power of the next Distributed Denial of Service attack. One white hat hacker went as far as to write his own efficient trojan with the sole purpose of shutting down the open doors which made those same devices vulnerable in the first place. Security specialists are almost certain that the day the government imposes rules regarding IoT security are fast-approaching and that the industry will need to come up with some guidelines to better secure these devices. The second technology is Digital Technology Platforms. Avoiding the Internet as a business will soon become impossible unless you want to build anything beyond a corner store. Digital technology platforms are what all businesses will be based on when building their digital presence. Gartner identifies five different digital technology platforms: information systems, customer experience, analytics and intelligence, the Internet of Things and business ecosystems.

For any further interesting information read Insider Monkey’s article about 10 technologies of the future 2020


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